Interactive Instagram account

So… several years ago I started an account on Instagram called cellogramjam. I posted a bunch of short clips of cello sounds with the idea that people could scroll around and play different ones (and don’t forget to leave silences!) as a solo or in an ensemble of any number. The intention was to regularly add more clips. I’m not sure why but I abandoned it after a short time.
But… recently I started adding to it again.
Check it out if you are interested. If you can get a few friends to play at once and can make a short video, send it to me and I will gladly post it. The more the merrier (but stay safe while doing so). I might try and organize a zoom version as well so drop me a note if that interests you.
I hope everyone is doing well in spite of the mess that we continue to find ourselves in.

PS – Catalytic Sound, an organization of musicians I am pleased to be a member of, is having a year end sale. Check out the many fine recordings and other items available ( Consider subscribing while you are at it ( For now, only members can get my recent recording with Farida Amadou and Simon Camatta (Indelible Spine).